A Golden Eagle. It and a Bald Eagle are about the same size.
A Golden Eagle. It and a Bald Eagle are about the same size.
The night’s yellow eyes of the winged tiger, a Great Horned Owl.
Rough-legged Hawks come in various shades, all lovely.
Not all lifesavers come in a roll. An ambulance from those thrilling days of yesteryear.
Not all lifesavers come in a roll. An ambulance from those thrilling days of yesteryear.
The Hubbell House in Mantorville, Minnesota. Since 1854, it has fed the likes of Ulysses S. Grant, Horace Greeley, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Roy Rogers, Mickey Mantle, Lady Bird Johnson, Harmon Killebrew, Ole Bull and me. Good grub.
These nice ladies are making chocolate-covered potato chips in the Chocolate Shoppe in Mantorville, Minnesota. I’ve never tried these treats, but my mother-in-law loved them. I loved her, so I purchased chocolate-covered potato chips.
Are they sharks or slippers? They are Little Grumpy Sharks Slippers that make my wife’s feet swim in friendly waters.
Are they sharks or slippers? They are Little Grumpy Sharks Slippers that make my wife’s feet swim in friendly waters.
Helicoverpa. Likely a Corn Earworm Moth.
Helicoverpa. Likely a Corn Earworm Moth.