The tufted titmouse has an echoing voice that makes it terrible at playing hide-and-seek.

Notice the dark patagial marks (between the shoulder and the forewing) on the underwings of a red-tailed hawk.

Notice the dark patagial marks (between the shoulder and the forewing) on the underwings of a red-tailed hawk.

Turkey vultures have gray flight feathers and fingers at their wingtips.

Turkey vultures have gray flight feathers and fingers at their wingtips.


Frank Sinatra never sang as much as a Carolina wren.

The ticks in Minnesota are sizable.

The ticks in Minnesota are sizable.


The light-colored leaves and the fruit of the bur cucumber.

This honey locust tree is armed.

This honey locust tree is armed.


Warning: Woodpeckers at work


This leaf couldn’t decide whether to be red or green.