The ferry LeConte on its way from Juneau, Alaska, to Hoonah (The Little City with a Big Heart) 48 nautical miles away. A nautical mile is 1.1508 miles. November 8, 2018 Eldred Rock Lighthouse in the Haines Borough, Alaska. Chilkoot Lake. Haines, Alaska. A black-billed magpie. Magpie means “black-and-while Margaret.” Fenced graves at a cemetery in Haines, Alaska. A quiet cemetery alongside the Haines Highway in Alaska. Merganser comes from the Latin mergus (waterfowl, diver) plus anser (goose). ← The old don’t always look in the same direction as the young. Bald eagles along the Chilkat River in Haines, Alaska.This giant hammer at the Hammer Museum in Haines, Alaska, was modeled after a 1923 Maydole hammer. →