The ferry LeConte on its way from Juneau, Alaska, to Hoonah (The Little City with a Big Heart) 48 nautical miles away. A nautical mile is 1.1508 miles.

Eldred Rock Lighthouse in the Haines Borough, Alaska.

Eldred Rock Lighthouse in the Haines Borough, Alaska.

Chilkoot Lake. Haines, Alaska.

Chilkoot Lake. Haines, Alaska.

A black-billed magpie. Magpie means “black-and-while Margaret.”

A black-billed magpie. Magpie means “black-and-while Margaret.”

Fenced graves at a cemetery in Haines, Alaska.

Fenced graves at a cemetery in Haines, Alaska.


A quiet cemetery alongside the Haines Highway in Alaska.

Merganser comes from the Latin mergus (waterfowl, diver) plus anser (goose).

Merganser comes from the Latin mergus (waterfowl, diver) plus anser (goose).