Our snow removal plan here is called June

My father called the yellow warbler a summer warbler.

My father called the yellow warbler a summer warbler.

The Blackburnian warbler was named after the botanist Anna Blackburne.The baseball team could have been named the Baltimore Blackburnians.

The Blackburnian warbler was named after the botanist Anna Blackburne.

The baseball team could have been named the Baltimore Blackburnians.

The betting window was busy at the duck races today. These two blue-winged teal swam bill-to-bill.

The betting window was busy at the duck races today. These two blue-winged teal swam bill-to-bill.

A female American redstart. A snazzy little hen is this butterfly of birds.

A female American redstart. A snazzy little hen is this butterfly of birds.