A peacock is a male peafowl. The female is a peahen. Our peafowl used to stalk our auxiliary dog.
A pearl guinea fowl sounds as if it is calling, “Quebec! Quebec! Quebec!”
Not long ago, I was getting an IV. What was I thinking about during that time? I was daydreaming of walking past a wall of ivy.
A western leaf-footed bug on a pomegranate on Bouldin Island in California.
Olaf Haraldsson, Saint Olaf, is the patron saint of Norway. St. Olaf Cemetery is a peaceful place in Waseca County, in Minnesota.
I cannot imagine the stories Henry Otto Hagen had to tell.
From St. Olaf Cemetery.
These grapes will soon have a lot to wine about.
Napa Valley Merlot.
A white-crested polish chicken in need of a dab of Brylcreem.
This is not a scapegoat. This is the kind of goat that blames the photographer.