This young one has traded this sporty jacket for a winter coat.

Saw this sandhill crane and colt while doing a Breeding Bird Survey in June.

Saw this sandhill crane and colt while doing a Breeding Bird Survey in June.

Herter’s, located in Waseca, Minnesota, was Cabela’s before there was a Cabela’s.

Herter’s, located in Waseca, Minnesota, was Cabela’s before there was a Cabela’s.

I’m surprised Edgar Allan Poe never wrote a story about an earwig.

I’m surprised Edgar Allan Poe never wrote a story about an earwig.

There was a bright golden haze on the meadowhawk.

There was a bright golden haze on the meadowhawk.


This sign in Lake Crystal, Minnesota, reads: “The church of St. Mary in the hollow of the white hazel trees near the rapid whirlpool by St. Tysilio's of the red cave."