As egrets go, it was a great one.
In Waseca County, Minnesota. The lone gravestone marks the final resting place of Cassie A. Swartwout.
Goldenrod receives blame for hay fever suffering, but is innocent. It’s pollinated by insects, not wind. It blooms at the same time as does the major culprit, ragweed.
Giant ragweed with its inconspicuous greenish flowers is wind pollinated and the bane of hay fever sufferers,
This rose-breasted grosbeak may appear bloodthirsty, but it’s been eating jelly.
Native American lore holds that if you see a cardinal, you can expect good luck in 12 hours or 12 days.
The Baltimore oriole is a beacon of the backyard.
A turkey vulture in the midst of an aerial ballet.
“A wonderful bird is the Pelican.
His beak can hold more than his belly can.
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week!
But I'll be darned if I know how the hellican?”
― Dixon Lanier Merritt