The male Purple Finch is slinging a lot more reddish color than the male House Finch.

Purple Finch in the background.

Purple Finch in the background.

House Finch in the foreground.

House Finch in the foreground.

Purple Finch, then a House Finch.

Purple Finch, then a House Finch.

My father once shared a hospital room with a Sparrow. No, not this House Sparrow. It was a man named Sparrow. A Batt and a Sparrow. My father was uncomplaining, but the Sparrow chirped a lot.

My father once shared a hospital room with a Sparrow. No, not this House Sparrow. It was a man named Sparrow. A Batt and a Sparrow. My father was uncomplaining, but the Sparrow chirped a lot.

A Brown-headed Cowbird without a cow.

A Brown-headed Cowbird without a cow.