My stupid smellcheck stopped working.

My stupid smellcheck stopped working.

My stupid smellcheck stopped working.

The winner of the coveted corncob signifying a championship at the Batt Cave’s Annual Smelling Bee.

The winner of the coveted corncob signifying a championship at the Batt Cave’s Annual Smelling Bee.

Some improvised jazz singing was performed by a Gray Catbird.

Some improvised jazz singing was performed by a Gray Catbird.

Some improvised jazz singing was performed by a Gray Catbird.

Some improvised jazz singing was performed by a Gray Catbird.

The male Brown-headed Cowbird does a little song and dance.

The male Brown-headed Cowbird does a little song and dance.

The Lincoln’s Sparrow is named after Thomas Lincoln, who shot one for John James Audubon to paint.

The Lincoln’s Sparrow is named after Thomas Lincoln, who shot one for John James Audubon to paint.