Oleander Aphids. That’s not the name of an amateur baseball team from Oleander, Minnesota, that just missed going to the state tournament. Some would call these a herd of Milkweed Aphids. August 31, 2020 Oleander Aphids. That’s not the name of an amateur baseball team from Oleander, Minnesota, that just missed going to the state tournament. Some would call these a herd of Milkweed Aphids. “Every night my honey lamb and I Sit alone and talk And watch a hawk Makin' lazy circles in the sky.” That’s from “Oklahoma.” Here in Minnesota, we watch Red-tailed Hawks perch on utility poles. Beaky Buzzard was a Looney Tunes character. This perched and flying bird is a Turkey Vulture. ← A Rose-breasted Grosbeak sang loudly and proudly today. It was unexpected, but a great welcome to September.Al Batt: Japanese beetles →