The neighborhood honey bees have had a good year. You might say it’s been a honey. I will.

The neighborhood honey bees have had a good year. You might say it’s been a honey. I will.

The neighborhood honey bees have had a good year. You might say it’s been a honey. I will.

Virginia creeper is a rocket when climbing a tree. It’s sometimes called grape woodbine, false grape, American ivy, five-leaf ivy, five-finger ivy and thicket creeper. It’s frequently mistaken for poison ivy. Leaflets three, let it be; leaflets five, let it thrive.

Virginia creeper is a rocket when climbing a tree. It’s sometimes called grape woodbine, false grape, American ivy, five-leaf ivy, five-finger ivy and thicket creeper. It’s frequently mistaken for poison ivy. Leaflets three, let it be; leaflets five, let it thrive.