An LBJ or an LBB?

An LBJ or an LBB?This Little Brown Job or Little Brown Bird is a Lincoln’s Sparrow.

An LBJ or an LBB?

This Little Brown Job or Little Brown Bird is a Lincoln’s Sparrow.

Another day of snow and tell. When it’s frigid, birds become puffier. It helps to be fluffy. Watching birds is a fabulous experience. The wonders of the universe unfold before my eyes. The birds enjoy curbside service. I filled feeders and a chickadee checked out the vending machines. A hairy woodpecker put sunflower seeds into the bark of a tree and hammered them open. This activity attracted the interest of a blue jay curious to see what the woodpecker was up to. It's like one of our species back when we filled restaurants. We looked around to see what looked good going into other people's mouths.
I have window feeders. They are great for birds and for folks prone to stir-craziness. They adhere to the window via suction cups. The window needs to be clean and it helps the suction if the glass is warm. Spread vegetable oil lightly on the suction cup rims to enhance adherence. I have a heated birdbath, a recycled dog food dish. Birds can use snow and ice as a source of water but it expends precious energy to convert it to water. Heated birdbaths don't create warm water, but keep it from freezing. If you don't have a heated birdbath, you could offer fresh water in the early morning and right before dark. Those are the popular times birds want water.
A ring-necked rooster pheasant found something to crow about. The roosters crow throughout the year. I've been grounded like everyone else, but I've been fortunate to speak at birding things in Alabama, Connecticut, Alaska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, etc. via Zoom because roosters need to crow.
A mourning dove pair fed on fallen safflower seeds under the feeders. In ancient Greek mythology, Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was depicted by doves. Early European superstition held that the devil and witches could turn themselves into any bird shape except the dove. In Hinduism, the dove is an emblem of the spirit and its infinite capacity for love. Ancient Aztecs believed Xochiquetzal, the mother of humanity, arrived as a dove after the great flood. Native Americans associated a dove with the Great Spirit. In the Old Testament, Noah released a dove after the great flood to search for land. It returned with an olive branch to show that the Biblical flood had receded.
At this moment in Minnesota, great horned owls are incubating eggs. A parent, typically the female, must keep them warm to prevent them from freezing. This early nesting
gives the owlets a head start in the spring and extra time to learn how to be a good great horned owl. The young aren't free of parental care until in October. Great horned owls have the most diverse diet of all North American raptors. Their principal prey items are rabbits, mice, voles, hares and coots, but their menu is substantial. They occasionally hunt in broad daylight and may walk on the ground to stalk small prey.
Nature news
Railroad crews used explosives to provoke small avalanches in British Columbia when an onlooker noticed an elk engulfed in a wave of white. The man and a friend went to help the elk and found its face peering out from the snow, immobilized by the weight of the avalanche. The men dug the elk free and it walked away. No tip was requested.
A two-headed bird (a ruffed grouse) was spotted in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. The bird eats with both beaks and can fly.
The world’s oldest known wild bird is a mother once again. Wisdom, a Laysan albatross, hatched a chick on Feb. 1 on Midway Atoll. Wisdom is approximately 70 years old and has hatched 30-36 chicks.
Jay Gregerson of Albert Lea sent a photo of a house finch with an elongated bill and wondered about the cause. Many factors have been implicated in causing bird bills to grow abnormally — disease, parasites, nutritional deficiencies, genetic defects, extreme heat, environmental contaminants and structural damage caused by a collision or other trauma.
"Do feeders help birds survive winter?" Stanley Temple, a University of Wisconsin professor studied this (1982-85) and found, on average, 69% of banded chickadees with access to a feeder survived the winter (October through April) compared to 37% without supplemental food.
"There is a downy woodpecker that appears to be healthy but sometimes remains motionless at the suet feeder or on the trunk of a tree. What's it doing?" Woodpeckers aren’t the fastest flyers, which means the downy’s best defense is to freeze in place to escape an accipiter's notice.
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"The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings." — Wendell Berry
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." — C.S. Lewis
Do good.

©Al Batt 2021

Sometimes I look at a chickadee and I feel good about everything. Photo by Al Batt

Sometimes I look at a chickadee and I feel good about everything. Photo by Al Batt