Don’t be bitter, find a bittern. The American Bittern is called the belcher-squelcher, mire-drum, slew pumper, bog bull, dunk-a-doo, stake-driver, thunder-pumper, water-belcher and sky-gazer. May 24, 2021 Don’t be bitter, find a bittern. The American Bittern is called the belcher-squelcher, mire-drum, slew pumper, bog bull, dunk-a-doo, stake-driver, thunder-pumper, water-belcher and sky-gazer. Old Blue Eyes. Not Frank Sinatra, but a Double-crested Cormorant. A meeting of the board. ← Turkey Vultures keep banker’s hours and don’t go to work until 10 in the morning.How many quills does a porcupine have? →