The Rose-breasted Grosbeak whistles up delight in my yard. One of the first things I was told about birdsong was that the grosbeak’s song sounds like a robin that has had singing lessons. May 31, 2021 The Rose-breasted Grosbeak whistles up delight in my yard. One of the first things I was told about birdsong was that the grosbeak’s song sounds like a robin that has had singing lessons. Red columbine is attractive to hummingbirds. A Chipping Sparrow’s song is a long trill that can sound insect-like. Some insect songs have a long trill that can sound Chipping Sparrow-like. The Vietnam Memorial Wall. “When words are most empty, tears are most apt.”–Max Lucado ← Will you marry me?The Oldsmobile Orchard Oriole 4-door →