Pelicans symbolize triumph over obstacles, a revival and good luck


 A cardinal sang a cheerful message, an exultation of an avian voice that could be heard as, “Oh, dear, dear, dear.”
  A phoebe engaged in some persistent tail pumping before snatching a flying insect. Phoebe, in Greek mythology, is a Titaness.
  I watched pelicans hoovering up fish, and later, I walked in a Relay for Life as pelicans flew overhead. When a pelican crosses our path, some believe it symbolizes triumph over obstacles, a revival and good luck.
 Exaggerated wingbeats carried a great blue heron over a perched raptor. Urban Cooper’s hawks find the concentrated prey to their liking.
 Lord of the stable flies, I am not. They chew on my ankles as if I were a bag of Purina stable fly chow. Small meadowhawk dragonflies flew like mini-drones. The males are red and the females are yellow.
 The “black eye” of black-eyed Susans refers to the dark brown center of the daisy-like flower head. This member of the family Asteraceae can be found growing in almost any sunny location. Wild bergamot (bee balm or horse mint) bloomed in a light-purple profusion. Fleabane provided lovely white flowers.
 Far from home, the downtown crows flew in and landed on my borrowed truck. Crows are good family birds and the extended family flock were all perched comfortably. I’d gone into a bookstore to buy a friend’s new book. The birds landed and made crow noises. I suspected they were waiting to get a ride home.


 Janet Eastvold of Hartland asked why so many were dragonflies in her yard. Dragonflies travel long distances and congregate (swarm) in areas where there is plentiful flying food, such as winged ants, mosquitoes, etc. They typically appear near dusk. Dragonflies may see their prey better when the sun is low on the horizon. Once the prey numbers drop, the dragonflies scram. 
 “How long do parent American robins care for their young?” The eggs are incubated for 12-14 days, the nestling stage is 13 days, and the parents feed the fledglings for up to 3 weeks outside the nest.
 Toni Perschbacher of Albert Lea asked if blue-green algae impacts fish. Blue-green algae (also called cyanobacteria) are natural organisms that are present around the world in oceans and freshwater. Factors like low water levels, limited circulation, higher temperature, and increased light can lead to algal blooms and toxin release. These blooms are increasing around the world. Eating fish caught from affected waters is an unknown health risk. Not enough research. Cyanobacteria is known for its vivid blue-green color, but it can be brown, black or red. The slime is generally not harmful to fish.
 Doug Ruble of Albert Lea asked if sandhill cranes are good parents. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs, with the mother typically incubating at night while the father sleeps away from the nest. They share incubation duties equally during the day. A crane lays two eggs—an heir and a spare. In years when food is abundant, both chicks may survive. Raccoons, foxes and coyotes prey on crane eggs or young. Sometimes, cranes use a broken wing ruse to lure predators away from the nest or chicks and will aggressively defend with their wings and sharp bills. Colts typically live with their parents for less than a year before they separate during the spring migration or are forced to leave the breeding area.
 “How do birds stay cool in the heat without air conditioning?” Birds deal with excessive heat by drinking water and bathing in it. They find shade or take a nap. Birds cannot sweat. When it’s hot, some species resort to gular fluttering. The bird opens its mouth and flutters its neck muscles, promoting heat loss in an avian version of panting. Birds hold their wings away from their bodies so air can reach the skin beneath their feathers and release excess heat. Vultures urinate on their legs to capitalize on evaporative cooling in an action called urohidrosis.
 “How many cygnets do trumpeter swans have?” They lay three to eight eggs on average.
 “What’s the difference between spiderwebs and cobwebs?” Not all spiderwebs are cobwebs, but all cobwebs are spiderwebs. Spiderwebs typically refer to a web that is still in use, and cobwebs refer to an abandoned web. The sticky silk of a spiderweb is excellent at catching insects and great at collecting dust. 
 Maggie Maire of St. James asked about the thrushes we have in Minnesota. Seven thrushes, including the American robin, eastern bluebird, gray-cheeked thrush, hermit thrush, Swainson’s thrush, veery and wood thrush, are commonly seen in Minnesota. Occasionally, another species appears, the varied thrush.

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 “Do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you.”—Wendell Berry.
 “The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: 'What good is it?’”―Aldo Leopold.
 Do good.

©Al Batt 2024

Most eastern tiger swallowtails in Minnesota are yellow with black stripes, but the female exhibits blue and also appears in a black form. The first flight is typically May-June and the second July-August. They overwinter as chrysalises. Larva hosts include cherry, chokecherry, birch, ash, cottonwood, aspen and willow. Adults nectar on bergamot, blazing star, ironweed, joe-pye weed, lilac, milkweed, phlox, red clover and sunflower. Photo by Al Batt.